What to expect when you go to Pemaquid Lighthouse and Popham Beach in Maine!
The admission into the Pemaquid lighthouse is free! The view is truly amazing up there. A tight squeeze might I add on the way up. So, this attraction is not recommended for those who have trouble walking. However! It is a beautiful place to just sit, relax and enjoy the view. :)

^^^ I took this as I was coming down from the lighthouse. I just glanced out the window and couldn't resist taking a picture of it! lol
It looked so beautiful and angelic and that's how I wanted to portray it.

^^^ How beautiful is this view! <3

^^^ Watching the water crash up against the rocks were so magical. <3
The following images are taken at Popham beach in Maine.

^^^ There were so many seagulls there! This image IS NOT photoshopped! lol It was awesome! :p

Hope you enjoyed this article and a glimpse into what it's like in Maine. Until next time!! :)